Monday, August 27, 2012

Scientist mom

Great day in the lab. Saw a clear talk about recent research, made progress on two projects, met with an undergrad who will be researching with me this year, and talked through a new project idea.

After work met up with a visiting Mathematician and friend. Picked up baby girl from daycare. Worried that she isn't acting herself. Take dog on a walk.

Go to dinner. Pizza is good, but baby is content just to sit with me. Back home with baby girl - she is fussy and cuddly. Listen to a good math conversation: group theory.

Baby vomits all over the rug.

Clean up baby. Rock her. Say good-night to friend. Get baby to drink some pedialyte and put her to bed.

Clean rug. Brush teeth. Respond to emails. Set alarm for 8am meeting with collaborators in the Netherlands. Read titles of recently published research. Blog. Bed.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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